LD013 - Funding Table - Loan Sizing

Time Interval: 00:00:00 - 00:05:21


  • :dart: Definition of Funding Table: Explains the methods of loan funding and sizing, focusing on determining the maximum debt based on various factors.
  • :bank: Loan Parameters by Banks: Banks typically fund 60%-70% of the total project cost, often considering only hard costs and excluding soft costs.
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Flexible Options in Lead Developer: Provides customizable options for assessing project feasibility by selecting funding strategies and their impact on total funding and equity requirements.
  • :moneybag: Equity and Cost Dynamics: Highlights how reduced borrowing from banks increases equity needs, affecting interest, bottom line, and equity cost.
  • :bar_chart: Detailed Allocation Features: Allows allocation of costs (e.g., land acquisition) across funding categories and manual entry for broker-determined debt limits.
  • :rocket: Construction Loan Integration: Explains how to adjust funding assumptions to see equity distribution and construction loan proportions dynamically.

Insights Based on Numbers

  • 60%-70%: Typical funding percentage by banks for project costs, underlining the limited scope of soft costs.
  • Interest Reserve Adjustments: Automated calculations of interest reserves are incorporated into total project costs for precise feasibility analysis.
  • Maximum Debt Examples: Scenarios of borrowing (e.g., $50M or $6M) illustrate the flexibility of manual input for tailored project insights.