LD011 - Land Acquisition Loan

Time Interval: 00:00:00 - 00:07:10


  • :hammer_and_wrench: Purpose of the Land Acquisition Loan Section:
    • Applicable when land purchase involves a delay between acquisition and construction.
    • Helps model loan details during interim periods like permit approvals.
  • :bulb: Key Features and Inputs:
    • Loan Type: Specify fixed or variable interest rates. For variable loans, rates can be adjusted monthly.
    • Interest Calculations: Automatically calculates interest on a daily basis based on annual rates.
    • Loan Structure: Options for interest-only periods, principal payments, and loan amortization.
  • :bar_chart: Dynamic Modeling:
    • Adjust assumptions such as setup fees, exit fees, and capitalization of interest.
    • Automatically calculates lender yields and loan balances for financial transparency.
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Automation and Validation:
    • Default values for unentered fields ensure accurate projections.
    • Manual overrides available for specific scenarios like unexpected interest rate changes.

Key Takeaways

  • :link: Streamlined assumptions entry ensures accurate financial projections.
  • :rocket: Automates complex calculations like lender yields and monthly interest adjustments.
  • :clipboard: Supports scenario testing with flexible input options for dynamic projects.