LD004 - Save As New - Sidebar

Time Interval: 00:00:00 - 00:01:17


  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Save As New Feature:
    • Allows users to quickly create new feasibility projects by modifying specific assumptions (e.g., changing unit counts) while retaining all previous inputs.
    • Prevents the need to re-enter data, streamlining scenario testing.
  • :bulb: Practical Usage:
    • Modify any assumption (e.g., changing 10 units to 15 units) for comparative analysis without affecting the original project.
    • Creates a new project in a separate tab using saved input cells for seamless data reuse.
  • :gear: Operational Flow:
    1. Press “Save As New” to generate a new project.
    2. The project opens in a new tab while retaining access to existing settings and inputs.
    3. Use the extension’s “Lead Developer Feasibility Suite” for further customization.

Key Takeaways

  • :rocket: Efficiency Boost: The feature eliminates redundant data entry, saving time for developers.
  • :link: Scenario Testing: Supports quick iteration and analysis of multiple feasibility scenarios.