LD003 - Lead Developer Tabs - Explained

Time Interval: 00:00:01 - 00:04:26


  • :link: Interactive Sections:
    Each section in the video contains helpful links or buttons like “lifebuoy icons” leading to additional material, such as related videos, notes, and specific training.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Functional Master Sheets:
    The video discusses “Master Sheets” (marked as “M”), which include customizable company settings (e.g., name, GST codes). These settings streamline project setup and save time by pre-populating necessary fields for new projects.
  • :bar_chart: Input and Output Sheets Overview:
    Five key input sheets are covered: Dashboard, Development Costs, Interim Income, Residential Units, and Commercial Units. These feed into reports and charts for comprehensive project analysis.
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Detailed Cost Analysis:
    Granular breakdowns in the “Development Costs” sheet help users meticulously track project expenses. Pre-set cost codes ensure automation and accuracy.
  • :bulb: Key Features:
    • Automatic data linking for new projects.
    • Charts and summary reports generated from input sheets.
    • Integration with discussion forums for feasibility inquiries.

Insights Based on Numbers

  • :abacus: 5 Key Input Sheets: Drive all calculations for reports and visualizations, ensuring precise project planning.
  • :1234: 4 Distinct Charts and 3 Reports: Summarize the financial and operational aspects efficiently, cutting down manual analysis time.