๐Ÿ“Œ Free Vs Pro Features Explained

:red_circle: IMPORTANT UPDATE: The โ€œOne Minute Feasoโ€ tool now includes a functional demo, reflecting a strategic policy decision. This ensures users can still explore its powerful feasibility evaluation capabilities while experiencing its key features.

  • :hammer_and_wrench: Edge Platform Offerings: Users get free lifetime access to the Edge platform, enabling them to learn feasibility analysis for development projects.

  • :green_circle: Trial Version Features: Other tools within the Edge suite, like the Smart Feasibility Calculator, are available on a trial basis where users can explore full functionalities but with some preset values.

  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Blue vs. Pink Cells: In the trial versions, input fields are color-coded; blue cells can be customized, while pink cells revert to default values upon saving, demonstrating how the full version works.

  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Upgrading for Full Access: Purchasing a subscription eliminates these pink cell restrictions, giving users full control over the data inputs across all development projects.

  • One Minute Feaso: This tool enables feasibility calculations in under one minute, emphasizing speed and efficiency.

  • Color-Coded Input Cells: The blue and pink cell system helps users understand the flexibility and restrictions in trial versions, illustrating differences between trial and paid versions effectively.