20 - [03] Interim_Income


  • :bulb: Definition of Interim Income: Interim income refers to the income generated during the permitting or construction phase by leasing parts of the property not under development or utilizing other revenue sources.
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Purpose of Interim Income: It is designed to offset development costs by tracking income streams like property leases or selling unused assets.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Implementation Steps:
    • Set the start and end dates for income collection in the system.
    • Enable or disable interim income in the dashboard.
    • Project income timelines and align them with the construction schedule.
  • :memo: Key Features: The system automates checks to prevent errors in financial projections and calculations, ensuring a smooth process.

Insights Based on Numbers

  • 14 Months Duration: The example project spans 14 months, with income starting a month after the project initiation. This emphasizes how interim income aligns with real-world project timelines to maximize benefits.