17 - Residential Units - Develop & Sell


  • :package: Residential and Commercial Unit Sales:
    Discusses the process of selling residential and commercial units after development. If no sales are planned, these units can be retained as part of the development strategy.
  • :moneybag: Sales Commission Details:
    Explains the importance of calculating sales commissions at different stages (e.g., pre-sales). Commissions could be split—half during pre-sales and the rest upon closing the deal.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Construction Cost and Sale Value Calculation:
    Covers methods for calculating costs, such as average cost per unit or per measurement area, and sale value based on market value per unit or area.
  • :link: Linked Data and Overrides:
    Highlights the use of linked cells to reduce repetitive data entry. Overriding these links results in manual updates.
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Cash Flow and Forecasting Options:
    Introduces tools like straight-line or S-curve cash flow forecasting methods, including customization of the steepness of S-curves to model sales or construction costs effectively.

Insights Based on Numbers

  • 50% Commission Splits: Demonstrates flexibility in commission distribution, ensuring agents are compensated adequately during different phases of sales.
  • 20 Configuration Units: Shows the detailed customization possible for each unit’s sales and cash flow forecasting.