15 - Other Operating Income


  • :bulb: Definition of Other Income: Refers to income sources outside of typical building units, like vending machines, parking income, or laundry services.
  • :building_construction: Details on Parking Lots: Costs involved in building parking lots and their potential to be leased at specified rates.
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Escalation Rates and GST: Options to add escalation rates to income sources, set monthly rates, and decide on GST applicability.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Settings and Integration: Discusses how to integrate these incomes into a broader financial model, accounting for regions with GST or W-based income considerations.

Insights Based on Numbers

  • :star2: Parking Lease Potential: Highlights the potential revenue stream from leasing parking spaces, emphasizing operational and financial planning.
  • :star2: GST Applicability: Insights into areas where GST might or might not apply, depending on settings.