14 - Build To Rent [Develop n Hold] Feasibility


  • :building_construction: Construction Cost Calculation: The video outlines methods for calculating construction costs, emphasizing flexibility. Costs can be determined per unit or per square meter, with the option to include or exclude GST.
  • :bar_chart: Dashboard for Assumptions: A dashboard centralizes all critical inputs and assumptions, including development units, operational expenses, and rent escalation rates, to streamline decision-making.
  • :moneybag: Rent Escalation and Vacancy: Rent escalation can be customized (e.g., every 12 or 13 months). Vacancy and credit loss can be calculated based on gross rent or total potential income.
  • :office: Pre-Lease and Occupancy: Pre-leasing progress and lease-up rates are tracked to predict when full occupancy will be achieved. The system allows input of metrics such as pre-leased percentage and monthly leasing rates.
  • :office: Sales and Reversion Methods: Sale values can be calculated using either a cash-flow-based approach or a market sentiment approach. The video advises favoring NOI or cash-flow-based methods for accuracy.
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Capital Growth Option: Details on capital growth rates, sales commissions, and GST implications for reversion values are provided. This is critical for sophisticated property evaluations.

Insights Based on Numbers

  • :money_with_wings: 3% Annual Rent Escalation: An example provided in the video shows rent increasing 3% annually, demonstrating the flexibility to adjust this increment.
  • :building_construction: 20% Pre-Leased During Construction: Insights on pre-leased units during development highlight efficiency in reducing vacancy.
  • :office: Occupancy Pace: Lease-up rates (e.g., 10-30 units per month) provide projections for achieving 100% occupancy.