Selecting Financing Options
Begin by selecting different financing options, including setting interest rates, fees, and drawdown intensity for loans. This helps calculate interest based on the drawdown speed of the loan.
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Understanding Construction Loans
Learn how construction loans are structured, including how they replace land finance and cover the construction period. Adjust interest rates, setup fees, and monthly fees accordingly.
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Incorporating Mezzanine Debt
If your project includes mezzanine debt, input the relevant percentage and details such as interest rates and drawdown intensity. This debt is used to fund a portion of the project.
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Managing Developer Equity
If there are multiple developers, manage the equity split and input any applicable interest or fees. This section also allows for GST facility management if applicable.
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Finalizing Finance Options
After inputting all necessary data, save and refresh the calculator to update the values. This step ensures that all interest calculations and financial data are accurate and ready for feasibility analysis.
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Reviewing Summary Sheet
Finally, review the summary sheet, which consolidates all the financial information and indicators. Ensure everything is correct by checking for the green dot, which signifies that the data is ready.
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