05 Estimating Project Timeline [1MF]

Estimating Project Timeline

Determine the Holding Period

Identify the time between purchasing the land and starting construction. This period includes obtaining planning approvals and consulting with professionals. 00:00

Finance for Land Holding

Understand the financing options for holding the land before construction begins. Different loans may apply for land purchase versus construction. 65

Leverage and Loan-to-Value Ratio (LVR)

Consider borrowing money to maximize the return on equity by leveraging, which involves using loans to finance part of the project. 128

Construction Loan and Utilisation

Determine the maximum amount of money you can borrow for construction and how it will be drawn progressively during the project. 285

Calculate Interest During Construction

Include the time taken for construction and the period required to repay the lender, typically upon the sale of the completed units. 469

Buffer for Construction Time

Allow for extra time in your construction timeline to account for unexpected delays, ensuring accurate finance calculations. 532