05 - Basic Project Settings - Global


  • :clipboard: Master Settings Overview: The video explains the M1 (Master) settings, which are global configurations applied across all project sheets. These settings streamline workflows by requiring a one-time setup, which then propagates to all related projects.
  • :globe_with_meridians: Customization Options: Includes adding logos, setting company names, selecting units of measurement (e.g., square feet or meters), and currency symbols. Changes automatically apply across all linked sheets.
  • :bar_chart: Development Spread Settings: Explains the metric for development spread, which can be represented in either basis points or percentages, depending on regional standards.
  • :fountain_pen: Editable and Non-Editable Cells:
    • Blue Cells: Require user input.
    • Orange Cells: Editable but contain formulas.
    • Red Cells: Non-editable and linked to core formulas (e.g., cost centers).
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Dynamic Updates: Adjustments like date selections dynamically update project timelines and associated sheets.
  • :building_construction: Stage-Based Cost Allocation: Users can categorize costs by project stages, such as land acquisition, planning, and construction, for a clear breakdown of financial requirements.

Insights Based on Numbers

  • :earth_africa: Tax Percentages: Regions like Australia (10%), New Zealand (15%), and South Africa have specific GST percentages, emphasizing the importance of configuring these settings per region.
  • :office: Units of Measurement: Flexibility in choosing between square feet or meters enhances adaptability for global users.
  • :currency_exchange: Currency Symbols: Customization ensures accurate representation in financial cells, streamlining project reporting.