03 - Lead Developer+ Tabs - Explained [Simplify Your Workflow!]


  • :pushpin: Overview of Lead Developer+ Features
    Lead Developer+ incorporates features similar to the base Lead Developer software, including a disclaimer for rare errors, highlighted by red and green indicators for status checks and validations.
  • :hammer_and_wrench: Key Functional Tabs and Features
    Tabs include “Summary,” “Cash Flow,” “Dashboard,” and “Settings,” each designed for specific project phases like planning timelines, managing costs, and syncing data accurately.
  • :jigsaw: Project Planning Tools
    The “Dashboard” is central for project planning. It allows users to define stages, manage construction loans, configure costs, and plan residential and commercial units.
  • :bar_chart: Data Automation
    Automates input cells (blue) versus formula-based cells (orange) for ease of customization. Dependencies are embedded to ensure project sequences are logical.
  • :building_construction: Construction and Operational Phases
    Separate timelines and cash flows for construction and post-construction phases ensure proper sequencing and error reduction, supported by occupancy permits.
  • :star2: Reports and Analytics
    Includes detailed reports and charts for financial summaries, cash flows, and development insights. Users can tailor outputs to specific project needs.

Insights Based on Numbers

  • :1234: Automatic Calculations: Automated formulas calculate residential and commercial development costs, construction costs, and interim income streams.
  • :moneybag: Interim Income Tracking: Features for logging income from interim sources (e.g., timber sales or temporary rentals during construction).
  • :calendar: Timeline Dependencies: Strict validation ensures construction must complete before post-construction cash flow begins.