01 - Lead Developer Vs Lead Developer+ [Build-To-Rent]


  • :dart: Key Differences Between Lead Developer and Lead Developer+ BTR
    • Lead Developer is designed for straightforward feasibility applications where properties are developed and sold entirely.
    • Lead Developer+ BTR focuses on build-to-rent projects, accounting for developments retained for rental purposes.
  • :building_construction: Build-to-Rent Explained
    • Involves constructing properties specifically for rental after completion.
    • Useful for multifamily units, apartment complexes, or townhouses retained partly for rental and partly for sale.
  • :bar_chart: Operational Features in Lead Developer+
    • Includes operational costs and net operating income from retained units.
    • Offers specialized tabs for operating costs and BTR units, enabling detailed financial tracking.
  • :bulb: Feasibility and Refinancing
    • Allows flexibility for projects involving selling some units and refinancing others.
    • Includes a “Permanent Loan Takeout” feature to manage loans after construction.
  • :clipboard: Reports and Design
    • Lead Developer+ offers additional modules for operating expenses and financial forecasting.
    • Charts and reports are adjusted for build-to-rent specifics, with slight design variations.
  • :abacus: Cash Flow Waterfall Module
    • Future addition for advanced cash flow tracking, catering to complex rental projects.


  • :earth_africa: Widespread Use: Lead Developer is popular in countries like New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa.
  • :chart_with_upwards_trend: Financial Detail: The inclusion of operating expense modules and permanent loan tracking provides a granular view of profitability.
  • :house: Retained Units: Tailored for scenarios where multiple units are rented, ensuring feasibility across diverse projects.